Hello Annie!
You are two months and three weeks old. The Baby Center email updates are a wonderful reminder of the time that is passing. Even though you have been here for a short period of time, it seems like you’ve been here forever. I commented to your dad that it seemed that our family was sorely missing you – and we didn’t even realize it! He agreed – you have been such a gift!
You are a lovely, delicious baby. You have soft reddish hair that stands up on top of your head because, quite frankly, your daddy brushes your hair that way. Your sky-blue eyes dance whenever I make funny noises at you. Your plump little cheeks fluff out whenever you are smiling and delighted. You have a smooth, expressive voice that coos and grunts and sings to me throughout the day.
You are a fantastic sleeper. Sweet heavens to Betsy, please always be an excellent sleeper! You sleep through the night, much to the surprise of the doctors. Since you are tipping the scales at 14 lbs 12 oz and are 24 inches long, the doctors have reluctantly decided that your sleep habits are just fine – albeit somewhat out of the ordinary. “Well, NORMALLY, if a baby was sleeping through the night THIS early, we’d be concerned, BUT, since she’s clearly gaining weight and eating well… I guess it’s OK.”
Like all babies at your age, you prefer to be held, but if I can’t hold you, your second choice is to have a view of all of the activity going on around you. You soak in your sisters wacky, loud antics while kicking your little legs to make your bouncy chair rock back and forth. You seem to enjoy them for their entertainment value, but I’ve noticed you get a little concerned when it appears that you think I am handing you off to one of them. You should be concerned – I’ve seen what the twins do to their dolls, so I’m not about to leave you with them unsupervised. (Carrie’s bitty baby hasn’t had clothes on since the second day she’s been here, and Ellie’s bitty baby has spent a lot of her time face-down in a stroller…)
It’s good to get to know you, Miss Annie. While I can’t wait to see who you will become – I am certainly enjoying this time with you now.